
Do you love planes with passion, like I do love them? Do you use them more often, than other kinds of public transport? Do the feeling of anticipating the unknown, of novelty seizes you when the stewardess says a magic phrase "Fasten your belts"?
If you have answered "yes" at all the three questions, then, (alas or fortunately???), you belong to the multilingual and numerous tribe of nomads. For us, there exist no higher pleasure than to depart anywhere - even to a God-forsaken hole, but to find yourself in a new world, new country, new city, amidst new impressions…
This is site for you, dreaming (and not only dreaming…) of globe-trotting. I’ve been lucky to have visited more than 60 countries and I am happy to share with you some of my trophies.
Welcome to Henriet Photography!